
Automatic classification for systematic reviews

This dashboard can aid in the updating of systematic literature reviews by displaying relevant scientific literature for the topics of existing systematic reviews and continuously updating it with the newest relevant literature automatically through machine learning. Currently, the topic of the articles in the dashboard focus on chemical hazards in several different vegetables. The articles presented here are automatically classified based on intelligence captured from domain experts and implemented algorithmically within the big data infrastructure. This enables experts to review relevant scientific literature on topics of their interest at any time as this tool continuously searches literature databases for relevant literature every 24 hours.

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DISCLAIMER: The information on this portal is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. For some systems like RASFF there may occur small differences; for example between EU commissions RASFF and WFSRs RASFF system due to differences in update timings of their internal respective databases. The authors and publishers disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this information.